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#SunKuWriter Post #00298

Not that what I tell is true , but it is not absolute lie ! The flaming pain of a loss . Where, but where are you? What have I done ? I did not dream because I'm awake waiting . May come, save me from this whisper that shivers me , undo me , it breaks and corrupts and says you're not ! Where I am , I want more , I can not stand the only living and breathing . Way through the fronts and here's something that keeps me moving forward. Because setback and get back to where I'm not even think or be . I want to run away, off the cigarette , crash on the rocks and fulminates . My heart is like this cigarette is extinguished by the desire to rekindle you will be the one that pushes me and unties a knot . Why not, I do not want to be a loose thread that ties , gets to grips . Do not wanna be what you say or say about me , I want to be what I feel . This knot , do not see that tightens and strangles and destroys . This tie will be broken. Everything back to zero . I want to be the only logical 0 without any follow-up , do not want to be positive or negative, but you insist that you have to and do happen . Let me . Why cry ? I do not know , but you always know because the tear drops and loose , I also know because sometimes I run into the errors of others and because I hold hold . I want to cry , I want to let me go . This bitterness of feeling that leaves me with a cold shiver which hot , but worth your tears , and laugh and feel . The end will take care of that end comes a tear not evicted but always lurking and tear trickles down the face of indifference . I was thinking , as you are. As trite as equal to what you think, are a standard . I do not want to know what tale, but want to see what you can not give me what I need and not you. I want to me . To you want as you always were , what I thought was what you were or when you were not , you were doing as you make . I am me . I do not know how I started this story I think a few will reach but have no arrow nor the bow, much less target. I have no goal to hit, do not want to pon - taria even feel that what I gain is myself , the arrow is stuck in the heart , so my pain. A lonely heart , marked by a coup than revitalizes the pain is very strong for the will to pump . I am not free . Never be totally free , love my freedom , but I am bound by that has love for me . Because you love me ? Does love . They want to be free and arrested someone . I want to feel alone and unnoticed. I do not want to understand anything , do not want to think about anything , because I invade , I want away from approaching. I do not want to say they love freedom. Just want to drop what is in me. The anguish , loss . And was no longer . Came the moment without feeling left. This kind of do and undo and more, we say what we do . I do not want anything, did not want to go away , I want to go where I do not get . Leave and nothing will bring . Do not cry , do not laugh , do not think , do not look and feel I'm not dead . What a tragedy ! I'll have to go and one day I will also succumb . Why? Yes , I wonder why this , why that, but do not want to think about what has been transmitted . Do not want to fight , do not want to be as much as someone who has never been . The voice haunts those who mourn . Wait . I am traveling , and I 've been patiently . I can say that I have not got much else and so I lack . Invade me be I do not want to say more . I do not want . Do not want to go back , I want to be here when the music plays and the wind blows . Not to be the devil , do not want to be angel, do not want heaven nor hell . I want the land where everything exists . Do not want to leave, I want to stay where I am , I do not want all that is just me space to breathe and think about it . Imagine and create my own existence . I just want air to breathe . I want to loose me as the air we breath . Saw , smelled , heard , also told you what you thought not hear. As I told you both and little or nothing touched you . It would be asking too much of your attention , enough seduction. I want to see you raw. I know sometimes my skin to skin him feel that I'm raw and I suffer with a skin tear it costs to grow and repair itself. For you I am full of raw marks and wounds . Do not know what I want to express . But something eats me because I do not want , but I want to . At the bottom wanted a bit of everything or nothing , because what I own nothing worth . I'm just more and you just as before . Was writing what will transpire after reading what my being wants to convey. I know it is not easy . I think a lot will not be said , very well what will be will not be understood . Reject. Vehemently reject what I want impoverishes . The banal things have no place in the heart there is much excitement . What we see at a glance can make us the heart . He can not take it , do not want to see, but feel what your eyes see . Never open the eyes of the heart because it can no longer see and is suffering . I am here . Do you see me ? I think not! Can you feel me ? I also think not ! What do you see in me ? Um , I was not here for you esquecesses me, can not stand not having you , because what unites us sometimes separates us , but I tell you I'm here. I will not pretend I will write and let it flow . What I write is undoubtedly a tear . As I wrote a tear as she is , sad, lonely , wet , loose . Let me wipe your tears , your pain , your sorrow , your loneliness, this suffocating it is to be alone. Let me lick your tears , I drink the pain you feel Alone, alone. Me , this is me , just me ! How am I? Just me . The feeling expands to truly feel the pain . How it feels to us. I think of is to go beyond what comes from abroad . Inward know I exist , to exist for others just look at us, but I never see the same pages that loose , loose leaf , loose sentences , loose pages , looseleaf , loose sentences , I want everything to come loose , do not want saving anything , I empty myself , just so evoluirei that everything I write , everything evaporize , the letter esvaísse pain one more sentence , every word your pain , I write to free myself . Do not want to suffer . Another day in the morning , the fresh morning air , noisy too. I want the night , silent night , where I see the dark light you bring with you. Let's join the silence and darkness . Let's do the blackout light . Verses , songs , charms , spells , poems , phrases . I want to be your light in the dark night . As I let myself go in the deep recesses of the high tides play harps Mermaid . I want to stay and look at you , without telling you what I 'll write . To never forget you. Nothing ! Wanted nothing The purpose of these words is null . I do not want you to read , also no longer want to write that one day you want to say . But now only wanted a little of nothing . Do not know if you will read, much less understand what I have to tell you. What I want you to notice is that entendas and accounts , but accounts for me and then you can tell me. But do not tell anyone . I'll wait for death decepe me . Death ? There is no death ! And this is always present . I'm not afraid of death but of losing you . Not something that hurt me , but the experience of having and not having is the difference of being, how can this be so? I want nothing , because very little and I want nothing , I repeat nothing I want , when I did not know everything and now I know what I want for nothing , reject what is not there , I'll be free , free of everything I ties and will drop me bitterness, that is have. Just , just want to be ! Can I just be me ? Yes I do and nothing else , that this also do not want anything . " Timeless" Hit and started beating incessantly pounded with unprecedented flow of an anomaly or injured then one day opened no more going back to do it was to open and close in an instant as I will pronounce , was mine, but always in my your order it , you and me in one word then the heart ! The deep sadness of being It is not known to be attentive and learn to live with your intimate behold the pit is tiny and have to belong is something that always fades like that in abdicating is no reluctance in essence only want to be is from the self that can see deep inside ourselves and then we see that there is nothing so inferior as manifest higher behold a clear thinking , which does not cease to express how much lower is the level at which we will see as the best place to be superior, is increasingly close to the infinitesimal always know utopian behold be born , live and learn , and when you really know and realize that much walked away from everything and know your own being what changed? Everything in my world speechless! Why? Because I'm willing to change and face everything but almost everything coming from my world my world silent ? It is the intellect that tells me to act in the most correct! Imagine ? ! A dimension of the stratosphere , boundless expansion comes disillusionment Magic timelessly unavailable at the illusion itself always with the dark appearance of the illusion of real word now pronounced disappointment; generated dora the inner conflicts of the simple agony that beats any harmony. Enigmatic , profound and sensitive lo energy non-binding letter more letters or letter very little word. Here is a menhir that will sedimenting and writing much in little is said . In vain , many things will emerge will be those that leave you , others will not stand . To tell you the biggest bully will be for a fighter , but I " use " that few will be worth , but those inside the smallest value that the come inside only you can get . Live, grow , learn, and always utopian little background knowledge. Here's a day for a little bit , wanting just one more learn that writing was to unify the knower of the common knowledge of scientific knowledge , both are explained only with the profound wisdom that is read + I'll start where I want to finish . The smoke expands the interior of my room . For my interior too , this is violated . I want to break up with you and others. I'll get ? Strength, strength and force that haunts me and tells me to move forward without fear ! You'll end my days before . All exterior I will reject , how I feel ... I do not know , but here I'll let my little story is on this page , you aroused my curiosity little story . What I will tell you in these pages is for me to find the true self that dwells in me , no outside world . How is this possible , we will see how I will describe my story . To no longer advance , retreat indeed ready to move . Smoking continues to imbue this space . This story begins where will end . What you want to tell is to fight everything. Let's see if I can get to the end and say I did everything and nothing , as maximization of the inner self . Has arrived here in briefly on cigarettes equaled the number of pages read why . Let's move on with the fight , this will be the length of time that Sopra in hours , minutes , in seconds. Over! I'll start where I ended up . I'm ready this smoking pierces the window and releases into the air , I want to be this smoke there is only air . I just want to breathe the air I want to float and imagine what I will tell here . I do what I do not want to do , always start eventually commit the same mistakes . The battle is far from being locked . What you want to convey is feelings , situations and conflicts . And the fight is on winning the being that was. I want to be the other , the figure that haunts me . My own conscience that alerts me and tells me : emerge , you win Here I am standing , but fighting movement that chase . My figure comes to my self. Free yourself , expand yourself , let me be like you through me . Started here I be . What are the questions, proceed without flinching , behold a figure that haunts me . Does happen and back reborn to live and feel . No demagoguery and illusions , live you can not see . Because only then will you progress , get up and say. I want to be what I am , I'm me . Being that I was and that the figure will be. I will be as I imagine . What haunts me I tell you advance . Face me and I will free . Finally yet to begin . All that thought . Beware that being that haunts the end and the cable is your friend . No more sorry for this moment . Reached the end of the torment, he touched me and I whispered, are you there ? Is at the end of the principle that I will report here . For now I say : just come up to me and incorporated me to victory . Major in me you will transform into . Has me ! Shalt be the last time my odor. Yes , you're from . Do not show me saddened by your departure. Incidentally am desirous of your trip . Go as you came , how you got part . Do not want , more misfortune are unconscionable . Your presence is an affront . I know that for you , never won , only lost . You're like cigarette smoking friend of the disease . Party and go, go Going on arrival will not be there . Like I said , Emano to your odor that only ires ... Gain another flavor and perfume. Maybe you do not know, neither be thou in mind what you provocas . Since I know you guys remember a few years . Enough for now here lies the desire to continue with you . 'll Moan in your presence initially thought , but omen for minor ailments . Are object and I create our connection , however disastrous and illusory pleasure to living conditions a bit weak . I dare deprivation . Because only then be light and natural , so that feeds me . Cool, serene, warm and harmonious will the compensation Natural wind flowing as the time in a direction to its north . Air currents bafejado against us are storms we face , it was natural that the smoke from the air itself . As we find in nature outside and inside the harmony of the free chains. Flourishes , grows and consolidates the very root of liberation. Wills unambiguous way of our meeting is the very pink of time ranging from desert sands firming reason . The going is liberating image of vulgar human to the eccentricity of the intimate relationship that takes us away . We are different , I am natural and organic thou art artificial and synthetic and hence not exprimas without me . Without the act that will neutralize 'll make me happy . I'll open the door for you to come talk to me . But I'll leave it ajar to go out soon after . Figure you are aware of your spread, consomes me patience of unrest . You're little and you will be very important . All these phases have stupid , usually in children . But if we say in adults to release the child we have in us , so that you also had a bad phase . I will return to tranquility patient. I can go lock the door . Quite know why you came , but I know where thou goest . The gulf is wide , wider thinking of you drop. Flee , without me , encloses you and explodes . From the first day that your word has been my sentence, but do not tell me when next you tell me , hello , I'm here , but your journey will certainly return to the harsh reality but harmonious so that it is either let invade , we have what we seek ? So just a word from you , it 's bye . And you came going away leaving ... Was the last time ... miss coming to leave. A tear fell and blotted out the cry . The rope that squeezes me , is not the same as it chokes me . The knot of the throat , hanging by a thread . Estrangulas sufocas the mind and consciousness . What proporcionas is a slow death and rejuvenate the walking and talking this way as we have done . Will never erase the pain acutely that at one stroke cuts raucous live laminate . At the top of the blow heartrending memory and ghostly . It was your presence dichotomy between being and not being. Life covered in photographic moments and stores everything in an instant if it turns out . Why live in me out of me . Erases your destiny and live the fraction . This timeless feel spreading the moments following . How to fly without leaving your seat . This time does not stop because can you ever stop and breathe , what makes you breathe. Living is as strong as the urge to breathe. But just breathing is not living . When you let yourself living there you stopped breathing . Hence it arises that in what is an image helpless . Without limits or consequences to the next step . This we emerges from another being at every moment sweeps us what we really are , this illusion is the precipice of self-flagellation live while we are alive , what drives us is that nature that surrounds us constantly and only distracts us , I mean all absorption time is mere -ly as the illusory nature reflects all frames at random and superlatively exceeding every moment of human movement . Whatever arises around the figure of the self that is outside magnifies the interior, but only to capture the feeling of distraction is a higher being that moves us to mother nature. If at any time , virtuous , contradictory invades you is assimilated at the instant of mind these entries can not equate to learning and output of any momentum . Thankfully surges , the immense and distant thought. I would like to talk about ... You decide where manobraste . Reversing the roles says you keep silent . The flight of a word is an act . How to ignore you and take you from . Thou art there flying in the wind shadow . Because you hide , appearing when so want . Do not you see ? Give thyself another , you have another friend who is not your simple misfortune. It emerges vaporizing up . It was thus that counting to ten , I realized how much vislumbramento the instantaneous moment of the window of the future is going to open and view only the last smoke expands and as the click of the future becomes large and vast.

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