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#SunKuWriter Post #00264

MY LOST WORDS OF TODAY lost words . - maybe the rain did not hear or did not drown the sun or even the sea does not burn me, but time will take me to the wind, so maybe I wet sand the feelings in my cave hear the silence: Crazy for sinking the nightmares and the dreams dig on one hand the nightmares of land in other hand the dreams of the sea make my echoes... My night is warm absorbance of feelings, I'm not cold much less cold, but some things are buried, are petrified in the past, I am no longer the same, or perhaps it is the same as I was, it was what I wanted and knew was right, as right as 20 years ago, the current youth, an adventure thought the mental rest, I'm cured or semi-cured, may have learned to cage the past, bluish black white red is like a fossil fuel gives me but not my energy I knew the feeling would settle and stay in pre-man that I am, perhaps nature is not the same, maybe men and women not to feed more of the same energy, or maybe I do not want to reuse energy but form them and generate what reassures the soul. The dullness was no longer the same, I'm not crystallized, but I am solid in places where the temperature is not the same in mind that I was, oh maybe yes maybe not what it was but maybe want to be in a way where I feed Hope that often mutilated and abandoned, perhaps a refreshment of thought, I was so many things to be me and yet these things got lost and no longer want them, do not want to start over, but I learned and perhaps naturally left to chance this learning to free myself, to become lucid, I'm less moody, one without salt, but with water that she try to be as natural, which was, oh my god, what is spent by all, and I was actually only went to others who made me, perhaps to thank and say goodbye to those thoughts, all addictions, all rules, all laws that have imposed me, made me all the strategies, and in the end I am not even taken by a current only because I do not want to be influential, want to be as natural as the air we breathe and colorless, calm, do not want to cause pain, painless for those who want to be teased me pain, do not want do not want to rejuvenate aged want to be in my time without forgetting the I regret so many things that many others persuaded me, and in the end, I do not want news not want evil, I do not want revenge, nor hope, just me the thread of a simple chain with care do not care or simply get in stanb by my current which has the same advantage as the rivers use the forces as they move going towards wind and use your energy, not unlike me because I know that I am a force that joins other forces, this force is as well as clear or ie the Good. Perhaps you may know or not even wanna know how nor am what I am and what they think and project for me, everything rolls of film time, trapped in space, never seen a movie in the same mainframe, what if everyone had access to same movie, maybe we would not have time to tell us, or even never reveal to each other, the imaginary other is our mirror, seeing reflected acts, gestures, movements precisely decorated decorated like escape the inevitable, the always unpredictable , how can man a spirit guide through various spirits, never the same feeling as always always different in space, my reality will never be yours, there will never be rules, laws, ideas that contrast with the conduct of a man, can predict, study, and organize the whole story but as the pictures everything has its time, and what the black magic box that will reveal the incidents, no, because the sarcophagus, there will be an education, a norm, a culture no one when I say no one will know how to apply all that is register to condemn, to judge, to humiliate and take action on all actions, everything is wide, I'll give you an example of standards and behaviors acquired in a school will always the one who wants to go to the toilet, there will always be one that will have the same questions, you really think you can classify a group through individual notes, perhaps the mastery is in society and the implementation of standards and prior learning, which will be. .. is a great effort to please others because it is normal following a regulation, but because the rules are there who can adapt to the norms and feel them and understand them the same way, what I envision is always unknown, perhaps the word, the symbols are codes of conduct, but why is not everyone realize, why require adaptation to a standard that a mass that was conceived a whole when the cable end to see that the game is the most precious, we dig the mountains and find a precious commodity, your soul of the person, we can not persuade people to be when diamonds are rocks that are shaped like the weather the wind and rivers and everything, but everything is kind of stimuli can those of pure being which did not receive any stimulus, because I did not advance just because the light is green, even advancing safely be able to have an accident, and so life is made up of unknowns, you'll either all the way to the end, but thou shalt not know the route of a single person. The world are people with the world and if you do not know a single person never will know the world, the more worlds and people or what we call society.... If I think of all the circumstances possible, would be a calculation endless, but as will all hypotheses and reducing chances are as good or bad luck, I can not fail to have 99.999% and the probability of hitting even one point in my life, everything and among crosses - crosses, if they say everything comes from nature and things complement and precipitate as any reason they were successful that everything happens for a reason, I do not say that everything happens for a thousand reasons and justify something that happened to me, but I would have a better chance of creating defenter and causes me not to have happened, it would be so much harder to find because it did not happen like that because it happened, you could summarize those truths and consequences of, for example if you do this, or better if it is sunny tomorrow I'll be well prepared if you'll be rain unwell assign consequences to acts is not merely a logical explanation for the slow down in fear and trembling we want to give an explanation to everything, but really think everything has an explanation or a sequence or story if I think well if I decipher a look negative and the result is positive through my turnaround, raises a more careful analysis of everything that moves and guides us in the direction of orientation, or will even issue guidance total justifiably want to explain that there is a reason, the reason is as strong as hold your breath and do not want to breathe when however we know that we will not die by holding your breath because we can not and are forced to breathe again, so whenever we breathe, breathe a reason, this breath or outburst of eloquence or our survival is the ratio of screening our control, some say, but I have faith and believe, yes yes sure as I leave the lottery, or explanation of such reasons unexplained leave me not, we always have a reason, a justification would be so much easier to turn off the button and do a reset in the future we thought hits in search of our fear factor, so that the martial arts were created not to attack or defend but to find a mechanism to think and justify our protection, lifelong seek objects luck charms, or simple traits that give us meaning and feed us the reality of being connected to this world and to all the people who leave a mark to which we attach an idea or an act, but not all have the satisfaction is something so imperfect as to find meaning in a simple infinite line and a calculation whose equation is a mistake, and this notion of error is over fertilizing time because there will be those who are justified to have happened, but also those who exalt themselves for a thousand and one reasons not to have happened, it all means to fight the force unnatural survival and say and think I'm here to do whatever it and that not only is the invisible soul disappears and pulverising in the Spirit....

in my cave hear the silence: Crazy for sinking the nightmares and the dreams dig on one hand the nightmares of land in other hand the dreams of the sea make my echoes...

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